There are so many products to choose from when you are selecting a moisturiser that it can be overwhelming. Identifying the perfect product for your skin type can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and you can end up investing in an inappropriate product which can leave your skin feeling too oily or too dry. Follow our simple tips, however, and your skin will be glowing in no time.

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Skin Type

Any reputable brand of moisturiser will specify which skin types it is formulated for. Just as specific shampoos like Rene Furterer Forticea Stimulating Shampoo are developed for particular hair types, susceptibility to allergies, acne or sensitivities means you will need to look for moisturisers designed for these conditions. Similarly, consider your age. Creams formulated to minimise wrinkles will not be suitable for younger skins. Similarly, the product you used when you were twenty will not do much for your forty-year-old complexion unless you are lucky enough to have aged extremely well. See for a detailed article about how to identify your skin type.


Always choose a moisturiser with a built-in SPF of at least 15. This way, your moisturiser provides protection from sun damage and premature skin ageing. Although in very hot and sunny conditions, you will need to use suncream, most of the time the SPF in your moisturiser will provide adequate protection.


Although it doesn’t seem like a relevant consideration when choosing a moisturiser, the product will be on your face all day. It is important you like the way it smells, as you will be smelling it a lot! Just as you would with a shampoo, you need to choose a scent that you find delicious and compelling like the orange, lavender and rosemary in


Make sure you test the product in the shop before you buy. The only way you can ever really know how a product will feel is to test it on your skin. If it feels too greasy and heavy or too light and drying, no matter how good it sounds in the reviews, it will not be right for you.


If you have acne, look for products labelled non-comedogenic. If you suffer from sensitive skin, look for hypoallergenic or anti-allergy products.