Meet a customer who anticipates everything. That he orders a project and the next day he asks you how it’s going, it’s usual. He is that kind of person who wants things for tomorrow and well. And when he has them he still complains if they have not come out perfectly.

On the other hand, there is the fearful client. He who talks a lot but does not usually leave clear ideas for us to start working with him . You have to submit it to a third degree where obtaining relevant information is an odyssey. He is the king but he does not know it.

Generate a climate of trust

The customers are not the same. Maybe they can be grouped by some characteristics but despite this, there are always exceptions and with them you have to apply a lot of psychology and patience.

They have a hard time talking about themselves and have good ideas but do not like being the center of attention.

Not all human beings want to appear on Instagram or share their achievements with Humanity.

That option is valid but if it is a client who has hired us to create a web page about him or to conduct a campaign of his business and flees the spotlight, Houston: we have a problem.

When humility can be a virtue and at the same time an obstacle

When a person is prudent but his work needs a dose of visualization in social networks and an Internet presence, we must convince him of two things:

  • Speaking of oneself is not synonymous with egocentrism
  • Sharing your achievements is not being presumptuous but necessary

It is difficult to generate that climate where this person is aware that now he has to be the protagonist because the client, his client will want to know that more human and perhaps personal side because the market now requires it.