Homework is nothing new – it is an important part of school life and is given to children in order to help them to continue their learning outside of the classroom. It also helps children to develop valuable skills that they are going to need in later life, such as time management and independently working to a deadline.

Something that has been really great for helping home learning is the internet – even if we are not in school, nowadays it is possible to learn something by looking it up online. Of course, the pandemic showed us all how the internet can be used to facilitate learning outside of the classroom, and many parts of this have been embraced by schools since to help them improve home learning for children.

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Something that is important for all schools in the modern world to have is a good website. Not only is this a great homework resource when used effectively for children, but it is also good for parents – a website with all the information on it can help parents to become more engaged with what their child is learning in school and therefore be able to support them with this at home.

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For a school, working with a professional web designer that specialises in creating primary school websites is certainly worth its weight in gold in order to improve home learning throughout the school.