Dementia is an umbrella term for a number of different brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s. There are a number of symptoms that are associated with dementia, and not everyone will experience the same symptoms. It is important to note that dementia is not a normal part of ageing and it can affect people of any age and from any background. There are lots of different ways that you can support a loved one who is living with dementia.

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Patience – although at times it can be hard, it is important that you are patient with someone who has dementia. When your perceptions and memory are affected, the world can seem a very overwhelming place. Try to take your time when you are out and about and don’t rush through any outings that you have.

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Safety – in some cases, dementia can affect the way that a person walks, and it can lead to more instances of trips and falls. You can try to rescue these instances by looking at Mobility Aids like the ones from These will help to stabilise their walking and give them some support.

Planning – when it comes to everyday tasks such as washing, getting dressed and making a cup of tea, you may need to plan what items your loved one may need. This can help them to retain some of their independence without the stress of trying to remember where their clothes and other everyday items are located.