With the cost of energy bills still running high, it’s important to ensure you are doing all you can to save money by making some small adjustments at home. There are several ways of cutting costs, which we’ll look at here.

Get to know your thermostat

The biggest savings to be made are through the correct use of your heating controls. In fact, the BBC says you can save up to £125 by turning down the temperature by just one degree and using the timer to ensure the heating clicks off when there’s no one at home.

If your radiators have valves, use them to adjust the temperature in each room or turn them off completely if those rooms are not used.

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Check your Boiler

It’s always good to schedule an annual service in late summer, before the autumn when temperatures drop and you start using your heating again regularly. Ask the engineer who does it to check how efficient it is and consider turning down the flow temperature, as this can have an immediate effect on your bills.

Many homes can be warmed with a flow temperature of between 50 and 70 degrees, but many of us have our boilers set higher than this. If you have recently had a service, it’s easy to adjust it yourself and there are online guides on how to do this.

Go Green

If you are serious about drastically reducing your energy bills and no longer having to rely on mains gas and electricity, you could consider more environmentally friendly solutions, such as installing solar panels. Generating your own power means you’re doing your bit for the planet and saving money at the same time.

Although there is obviously an initial outlay, the cost benefits over time are more than worth it. If you are thinking about installing solar panels Gloucester, there are many specialist providers such as https://gsmlimited.com/services/solar-panels/gloucester who can advise.

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Reap the Benefits

Just making some small changes to your home can save you hundreds on your energy bills. So, get started today before temperatures drop.