Copper pipes are a very reliable choice in plumbing, heating, air conditioning and gas in both commercial and residential settings. They are known for their durability and longevity and if they are installed correctly, a copper pipe can last for over 50 years. However, the lifespan of your pipe is still dependent on what it is used for, where it is located and the thickness of the pipe. There are four types of copper pipe which are categorised by their different levels of thickness. Read on to find out about the different types and their uses.

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Type K

Copper pipes have been used throughout plumbing history, with their first reported use in Ancient Egypt. Type K copper pipes are used for distributing water and they are the thickest pipe out of the four, coming in both flexible rolls and hard pipes. They are very durable as they contain the largest amount of copper, but this also makes them the heaviest and most expensive.

Type L

Type L pipes are cheaper than Type K but they are still a very durable choice. This makes them popular for domestic and commercial use, and they are also suitable for use underground. As with type K, they come in flexible rolls and hard pipes and they can withstand high water pressure, which is good for use in domestic properties. You can see a wide selection of copper pipe products at specialists such as

Type M

Type M copper pipes have the thinnest walls, which makes them cheaper and easier to install than types K and L. As they are thinner, they are not as durable. You will need to consider the water pressure and the chemical content of the water. Also, Type M pipes are not particularly suitable for use underground.

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DWV Pipes

DWV stands for drains, waste and vents and they are used for the removal of wastewater from your home. DWV pipes are different from types K, L and M as they need gravity rather than pressure to work and they are unable to withstand any kind of pressurised water.