Working from home is nothing new, but more people are doing it now than before the pandemic. One of the popular ideas to come from this is building a garden office – a great way to get the peace and quiet to be able to work from home.

However, when you do this, it is very important that you have a good amount of security…

Make sure it is well Built – In order for the building to be more difficult to break into, it must be sturdy and well built in the first place. As well as the structure itself, the windows and doors must be put in well and secured with good quality, strong locks. Unless you are a very skilful builder, this is a job that is best done by a professional company, as it is not worth gambling with your security, as well as the general safety of the structure.

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Protect Confidential Information – An office usually contains confidential information. This could be in the form of actual paper documents, or it might be stored on computers and hard drives. Anything that is of a confidential or sensitive nature should be locked away separately, such as in a safe or a lockable filing cabinet. Any personal items that are no longer needed should be destroyed correctly by someone like this confidential waste disposal Cardiff based company

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Use Security Lighting – Being in the garden, a burglar might find a garden office an easy target with less risk of being seen. Using security lighting will be likely to put off a burglar for this reason. LED lighting is best as they are brighter and more energy efficient.