The air is turning colder, and the Halloween pumpkins have all been and gone – you know what that means Christmas is just around the corner! Although this year, Christmas will be a little bit different, there is a lot we still have to look forward to that we can enjoy during the festive season. Here are some of the best festive activities that you can do during these strange times…

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Festive Decorating – You can make your house look fully festive and ready for Christmas and with us having to spend so much more time at home it is all the excuses you need to go for it a little bit more this year! Embrace new trends in Christmas interiors, such as wall Christmas trees (handy if you have pets!) and the rainbow tree which is a great nod to the rainbow windows we have seen this year from the children.


Christmas Shopping – Even if you aren’t able to see all of your family this year, you can still let them know you are thinking of them with a thoughtful gift. Pick something that is good quality and will last such as this brown Secrid wallet from EJ menswear or something thoughtful that will make them smile. If you are creative, you could even make a gift for them.

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Christmas Baking – Creating some festive treats of your own to enjoy is a great activity to do, and you can even get kids involved. Try your hand at your own Christmas cookies, mince pies or even a gingerbread house!