Retirement is a time for making changes to your life so that you can adapt to this new phase in life and make the most out of it. Retirement offers you the freedom to make decisions that are based on yourself and your own wellbeing, without having to think about work!

One of the main things that people start to plan and think about as they start to approach retirement is moving house. This might be somewhere local or you might choose to move further away – think about what sort of lifestyle you want, whether you want to be close to family and also what sort of things you enjoy doing to help you to plan where the right place is for you to live.

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Whatever it is that you want from retirement, one of the most popular places to live in retirement is a park home. There are lots of park homes around the UK such as these Gloucestershire park homes and there are lots of reasons why they are so appealing for retired people.

Homes that are on a special park will have rules like an age restriction – this means that you will be among others of a similar age group to you, which will help you to make new friends, and they tend to have a good community feel to them for this reason.

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They are also a great option if you are thinking about the future – many people can have mobility or health problems when they get older, and park homes are all on one level like a bungalow. Being smaller they are easy to care for and maintain, so you won’t have to worry about having to move if you have health problems, or pay for expensive adaptations to be made to help you stay living there.

A park home is a lot like a holiday home, and you can buy one that is brand new or one that is older. Older ones tend to be cheaper but they will still have all the things that you need in them. Buying a park home is more or less the same as the process of buying a house, so it is fairly straightforward once you have found the right one for you!