Does the thought of getting up at 6am leave you breaking into a cold sweat? Do you always wonder why, when everyone else is going to bed, you suddenly find yourself wide awake? Do you feel that you get your best work done when the moon comes up and the world sleeps? If the answer is yes, then you could well be a night owl. Here are some more signs that you are meant to be a creature of the night:

  1. You can’t remember the last time you went to bed before midnight

You are always the last person up at night and cannot remember the last time you were tucked up in bed and asleep by midnight. You are only just starting to wind down at 12am, when all is quiet and calm.

  1. Waking up early is dreadful

You wonder how on earth you managed to get to school by 8.30am every morning as a child because seeing the world before 10am is truly terrible. Perhaps you work flexi-hours or work from home so you can avoid the morning rush?

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  1. You wish that more shops were open all night

It’s 2am and you’re hungry or you have an overwhelming desire to do your Christmas shopping when it’s quiet. Sadly, too many shops and eateries still close far too early. If you fancy a late night out to burn off some energy, then head to a Cheltenham Nightclub like

  1. You only feel productive when everyone else is asleep

Do you find you get your best work done when you’re left alone to concentrate? Does this normally happen after 10pm, when people begin to go to bed? Whether it’s homework, doing the laundry or working on the laptop, you might focus best when the sun goes down and distractions lessen.

  1. You are drawn to all things space, the moon and stars

You feel at ease when the moon and stars come out and have a fascination for all things to do with space, planets, the moon and the stars.

  1. Late night talks are the best

You love the chats that occur late at night with fellow night owls who get it too. People seem to open up and discover much more about themselves and others when having these late-night talks.

  1. You love your bed

You do adore your bed, just not when you’re supposed to. You are your most comfortable at 7am and don’t plan to shift anytime soon.

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  1. You list your PJs as one of your favourite items of clothing

The best and most comfortable clothing is anything that can double as pyjamas or even better, your actual pyjamas!

  1. Everything is nicer at night

There is a peaceful tranquillity about the night. Perhaps it’s more relaxing because there is less expectation for you to have to do anything. Sitting out and gazing at the night sky or just enjoying the quiet to get things done in the house – everything just feels nicer after dark.