In this day and age, social media is more widely used than ever. With an estimated 20 per cent of the world’s population on Facebook and various other popular networking sites, social media is a crucial aspect to any business’s online marketing strategy. But how can companies such as a Letting Agency Gloucester way use this to their advantage?

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What Type of Social Media Is Best for My Business?

When starting in social media, it’s important to accurately identify both your target market and your options available for reaching them. According to the BBC some of the top names in the industry include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr and Pinterest, among many others. Not all of your customers will be on one social media platform, but equally you do not have to spend yourself across all of them if you do  not feel that they will benefit your marketing strategy. It is important to look at the demographics for each of the platforms before making your decision.

Naturally, different audiences can be targeted through different social media platforms. When reaching out to a younger audience, for example, businesses may want to consider promoting through the variety of popular apps available, such as Snapchat and Vine. According to Business Insider, 45 per cent of Snapchat users are below the age of 25. When targeting a more mature, business-minded audience however, the same statistics suggest that the largest portion of Linkedin users are aged between 55-64. Companies wishing to promote through the use of social media must consider their target market and adapt their approach based on this.

How Do I Get Started?

Setting up a Facebook or Twitter account couldn’t simpler. Before signing up an account anywhere, however, as advised by the BBC, you need to ensure you have a clear strategy as to how you are planning to implement the marketing techniques and ideas you have.

Nowadays, more and more jobs are becoming available for those familiar with social media platforms, offering opportunities to run businesses’ social media accounts. Other companies, however, source the creation and management of their accounts through third party bodies.
It’s no secret that social media is practically unavoidable for companies wishing to promote themselves. The increasingly popular marketing method can provide huge exposure to the brand or company, along with high volumes of traffic, and is an innovative and more personal way of interacting with customers.