When it comes to starting off your fitness regime you can do no worse than to start with walking. Walking is a low impact form of exercise which means that is requires less physical exertion as well as having less of an effect on your cardiovascular systems and your joints and muscles. This is why it is often recommended for those people looking to start off a fitness routine as well as those returning from an operation and those in older age and with pre-existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure.

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There are many people who have incorporated walking into their lives and some who have made personal challenges out of them such as www.adventureman.org/ who also talks about his journey and how it has had a positive impact on his life. Motivational speakers can be a great way to give you some inspiration and motivation to work towards your chosen goals.

To start off with you should plan to take a couple of short ten minute walks each day perhaps first thing in the morning or during your lunch hour. In order to cause less disruption to your life and to ensure that you stick at it you should first look at easy ways to incorporate walking into your life. This may include switching your school run trip from car travel to walking, or perhaps walking to your local shops next time you need to pick up bread and milk. Once you can easily fit in three ten minute walks into your day you should look at extending one of these to a twenty to thirty minutes. This may be best slotted into your lunch break or perhaps a nice early evening walk in the Spring and Summer sun.

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There are apps available to help track the time and distance that you are walking as well as helping you to gradually increase your fitness levels. The next logical step from walking is to increase your speed into a slow jog and then finally into a run. The ‘couch to 5K’ is a perfect way to achieve this and it has been created in partnership with the NHS so it takes into account the right amount of rest and gradually builds up your stamina and strength with the vision at the end for you to be able to complete a 5K run.