As with any skill, crochet proficiency is often categorised into different levels, each reflecting a set of techniques and complexity. This guide will help you find which level is right for you.


The beginner level serves as the foundation for anyone venturing into the world of crochet. At this stage, individuals are introduced to essential techniques, tools, and basic stitches. Beginners learn how to hold a crochet hook, choose yarn, and create fundamental stitches like the chain stitch, single crochet, and double crochet.

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Projects at this level often include simple items such as dishcloths, scarves, or basic granny squares. Mastery of these foundational skills lays the groundwork for progression to more intricate patterns and projects. Purchasing a few crochet blanket kits, such as those offered at, would be a good place to start developing your skills.


At this stage, individuals delve into more intricate stitches, such as the popcorn stitch and cable stitches. Pattern reading becomes more nuanced in the intermediate stage, with an emphasis on understanding garment construction, shaping, and stitch combinations.

Advanced/ Expert

When a pattern is tagged as advanced, it means it involves tricky stitches, charts, colourwork, and other complex techniques. Advanced crochet patterns are the toughest, meant for seasoned crafters who might consider themselves experts.

As an advanced crocheter, the possibilities for creative expression and project diversity expand significantly. Designing and creating original patterns become a central focus at the advanced level. Crafters may venture into garment design, developing complicated crochet pieces. This process involves a deep understanding of garment construction, stitch combinations, and shaping techniques.

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From the foundational basics of the beginner level to the intricate designs and advanced techniques of the expert level, each stage offers unique challenges and opportunities for creative expression.