Thanks to professional clinical trials carried out by specialist researchers specialising in areas such as Clinical-Project-Management, MRI scans have helped thousands of people on an international basis. Before it was approved by the FDA, a research team led by the creator of the device, underwent extensive tests and procedures to ensure the safety and usefulness of the MRI. A clinical solution provider such as G and L Scientific was sought after to provide key members of the trial team, finally leading to the manufacturing and marketing of the MRI to thousands of hospitals around the world.

What Happens During an MRI Scan

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What is an MRI?

A magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) scan is used to detect, diagnose and monitor certain health implications such as cancer tumours. It uses radio waves and powerful magnetic fields to take detailed images showing the inside of a person’s body. The average time period for such a scan takes around 15 to 90 minutes, averaging at around 45 minutes in total. It is a large tube shape with a magnet on either end of the tube. The patient is required to lie down still inside the tube while the images are being taken.

How to Prepare for an MRI?

Preparing for an MRI is quite simple. There usually won’t be any need for certain dietary expenditures unless you are told otherwise by your doctor or a health professional who will be dealing with your MRI scan. Don’t worry though, before the day of your scan your doctor will alert you to any special dietary requirements if necessary. Before your physical exam, you will have to complete an MRI screening form which will basically go over your health and medical history, according to the NHS.

What Should I Wear?

Many people begin to worry and stress out about what to wear to an MRI. It is advised to wear clothing that does not include any metal fasteners or zips etc. if you have nothing like his in your wardrobe, don’t worry. The hospital will provide you with a traditional hospital gown that you can wear during the scan. You will also be required to ensure that you are not wearing any of the following:

  • Dentures
  • Glasses
  • Watches
  • Jewellery
  • Hairpins
  • Wigs
  • Piercings
  • Hearing aids
  • Underwire bras

The MRI will have a two-way intercom, allowing communication to flow to and from the patient and the technologist. During the scan, you will hear loud beeping noises which are often resembled to “bangs”. You may request a pair of headphones or earplugs minimise the volume of these sounds if you feel that they may cause any form of stress or anxiety.