If you have been looking at your energy bills and seeing the price creep up and up, you might have decided to join the thousands of people who have been looking at ways in which they can generate energy from renewable sources instead. Here are some options that you might want to explore.

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Solar Photovoltaic Systems – these systems that are installed by Solar Panels Gloucester professionals, use the power in sunlight to create electricity. The cells attract the photons in light and use this to excite electrons within the cells that then create electricity.

Wind turbines – these can be installed on residential and commercial land and these systems take the natural power in the wind, to turn the blades which then provides electrical energy from the turbine.

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Geothermal Heat Pumps – these use the temperature of the earth to help heat and cool buildings in an effective and efficient way. The systems trap the heat from the Earth in a ground loop system that then helps to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels to heat the home or other building.

Hydroelectric power – this uses the natural flow of water, in a river, stream or sea. The water flows through a turbine that then generates mechanical energy that is then turned into electrical energy that can be used in a variety of ways.

Other renewable energy options include biomass heating, solar water heaters and energy storage systems.