Many young students and older singletons dream of travelling the world or backpacking across Europe alone or as a couple.  If this is something on your Bucket List and you are planning to travel in the near future then you should ALWAYS invest in a Multi Network Data Sim.  Available from an experienced, reputable company such as these smart Sims enable your mobile phone to connect to any available network.  This means that you should always be able to receive a signal no matter where you are.  When you are travelling alone, being able to contact a family member, a friend or the emergency services is essential.  There’s nothing worse than wanting to speak to someone and you realise you don’t have a signal and are out of range of your standard Network provider.

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Planning a route and making sure family and friends know where you are staying is common sense when it comes to safety and being able to keep in touch at all times is also critical.  Getting around in a strange country, city, town or village is made easier if you can use your phone’s app to look at maps etc.

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It really does make a massive difference if you have access to a mobile phone that can pick up a signal from any Network and doesn’t just rely on one sole provider, your safety and possibly your life may depend on it!