There are lots of instances where you might be asked to speak in public and whilst this can be very stressful there are a number of ways that you can plan your speaking so you feel much more confident and find the whole experience enjoyable.

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Topic – make sure that you are clear on what you are going to speak about. This could be an informative speech about an update in the industry that you work in or it could be a way for you to share information about how your life has progressed. Once you are clear on your topic you can then start writing your speech.

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Courses – if you find the thought of standing up in front of others incredibly scary you could attend Public speaking courses to help you gain more confidence and to help you learn some skills that will help you in your delivery and in making your speech a memorable one.

Location – be sure to have visited the location in which you are delivering your speech before the actual day. This will help you to get acquainted with the space and to assess how loud you need to speak in order for people in the back rows to hear you clearly. A preliminary visit like this can also help to lessen the nerves that you might feel on the day.