We all like to be cosy in the winter, and once those cold winds start blowing, it’s time to turn up the central heating, put the gas fire on and enjoy the warmth. At least these would be the ideal factors when thinking of a house in the winter.

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Unfortunately, as humans turn up the temperature and keep producing water vapour as they breathe, cook and run showers, plenty of nasty things also start to enjoy the lovely warm moist atmosphere. Moulds, toxins and allergens all love humid conditions. Depending on how severe these humid conditions are then you may want to consider moving elsewhere and selling your house. This issue with this however is that if the severe humidity is obvious then no one will want to buy it. If you could disguise the issue however you may be able to find a buyer. If you then did find a buyer, you would need to go through a rigorous legal process. The legal expert that would carry out the legal change of the ownership of the house who is called a conveyancer. They will ensure that all relevant surveys are carried out on the property to make sure that there are no structural issues that could be leading to the humidity, such as problems with the roof that would need the service of an Essex Roofers

Multiple Sources of Damp Create Humidity

Rain and damp may be entering through leaks or gaps. You can have leaking pipes or rising damp that is coming up from a concrete or wooden floor, sometimes because of a damp-proof course that is no longer working. And all those homely activities, such as boiling a kettle for a nice cup of tea or taking a warming bath, are all adding to the moisture level inside the house.

Many people are unable to dry washing outside during the winter and therefore either run a tumble dryer, which produces lots of warm moist air as it dries clothes, or have clothes on top of radiators or hanging on airers. Where does all the moisture go as items dry? Into the air you are breathing, of course.

Add to this the condensation running down glass windows if you don’t have double glazing, or even if you do but the seals have failed. Faulty or missing seals on window frames or doors can allow damp into the house.

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What to Do About Humidity in the House

In fact, the NHS offers very good advice on getting rid of mould and compensation, because it is aware of the respiratory and other problems that are caused by humid homes.

If you have good new double glazing, your house will be much warmer and you will not be so reluctant to open windows for brief periods to air the house. It will heat up much more quickly afterwards. Make sure that you are using kitchen and bathroom extraction fans correctly. Leave doors open if possible to spread air evenly through the house. And finally, think about buying a dehumidifier or fan.

What to know about humidity in your home

We all like to be cosy in the winter, and once those cold winds start blowing, it’s time to turn up the central heating, put the gas fire on and enjoy the warmth. At least these would be the ideal factors when thinking of a house in the winter.

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Unfortunately, as humans turn up the temperature and keep producing water vapour as they breathe, cook and run showers, plenty of nasty things also start to enjoy the lovely warm moist atmosphere. Moulds, toxins and allergens all love humid conditions. Depending on how severe these humid conditions are then you may want to consider moving elsewhere and selling your house. This issue with this however is that if the severe humidity is obvious then no one will want to buy it. If you could disguise the issue however you may be able to find a buyer. If you then did find a buyer, you would need to go through a rigorous legal process. The legal expert that would carry out the legal change of the ownership of the house who is called a conveyancer. They will ensure that all relevant surveys are carried out on the property to make sure that there are no structural issues that could be leading to the humidity, such as problems with the roof that would need the service of an Essex Roofers

Multiple Sources of Damp Create Humidity

Rain and damp may be entering through leaks or gaps. You can have leaking pipes or rising damp that is coming up from a concrete or wooden floor, sometimes because of a damp-proof course that is no longer working. And all those homely activities, such as boiling a kettle for a nice cup of tea or taking a warming bath, are all adding to the moisture level inside the house.

Many people are unable to dry washing outside during the winter and therefore either run a tumble dryer, which produces lots of warm moist air as it dries clothes, or have clothes on top of radiators or hanging on airers. Where does all the moisture go as items dry? Into the air you are breathing, of course.

Add to this the condensation running down glass windows if you don’t have double glazing, or even if you do but the seals have failed. Faulty or missing seals on window frames or doors can allow damp into the house.

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What to Do About Humidity in the House

In fact, the NHS offers very good advice on getting rid of mould and compensation, because it is aware of the respiratory and other problems that are caused by humid homes.

If you have good new double glazing, your house will be much warmer and you will not be so reluctant to open windows for brief periods to air the house. It will heat up much more quickly afterwards. Make sure that you are using kitchen and bathroom extraction fans correctly. Leave doors open if possible to spread air evenly through the house. And finally, think about buying a dehumidifier or fan.