What’s your garage currently being used for? It’s come as something of a great surprise to Car insurers that one of the last things that people use to put in the garage is a motor vehicle. What really got them was that it was pushing up the premium on the car they were looking to insure in the first place. WIth that in mind what are we using our garages for if it’s not to store the family motor? Whatever you are using your garage for you will need to make sure it is secure. Therefore a Garage door repair Pinner based company might just be what you are looking for.

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The most common thing that garages are being used for is storage. We are stuffing everything in there that we do not have room for in the home itself. When you consider that some one hundred and fifty years ago the average person barely owned anything in the home (and if they did it was something they had made) the sheer amount of “stuff” that we accrue is ridiculous. Take books for example. Only the rich classes and libraries owned their own books. They were expensive. Chances were the only book that the house owned was a copy of the King James bible. Imagine the family fight around it to try and read the story of King David again for an evening’s entertainment.

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This increase in our affluence means that we just generally have more “stuff”. The size of the average home has also changed but this is still generally not enough to accommodate it all. Therefore we have to revert to the only space we have left, the dear old garage.