A new season of Formula One is on the horizon, and here are five more reasons why geeks should develop a passion for the sport.

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For the Love of Science

Without the scientists, where would F1 drivers be? Everything starts with a team’s ability to design right to the limits of the regulations. At a race weekend, more than 300 sensors on an F1 car will check the fuel consumption, air flow, tire temperatures, oil levels and even a driver’s heart rate.

But don’t characterise F1 drivers as pawns in a simulation getting briefed about their virtual environment either, for the race-time situation is no game of Dungeons and Dragons. Drivers provide the most important feedback of all: how the car feels.

Engineering Under Pressure

An F1 car has optimum performance, but at times it goes missing. The answer is usually found in the local track conditions. So the engineers spend race weekends scrutinising telemetry and making adjustments, all for the sake of wringing out expected performance. The pits are tenser than the engine room of the Starship Enterprise with a Klingon war fleet bearing down on it.

Energy of the Future

Even F1 understands that clean renewable energy is the future. One of its innovations has been in regenerative braking systems and kinetic energy recovery. For non-techies, when a car is made to slow down, the energy is not lost but is stored and re-injected for propulsion. It’s surely only a matter of time before F1 teams utilise warp drive!

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Techies are successful people, so why not spoil yourself with a little of that international jet-setting lifestyle that swarms around F1? Access to the Spain F1 Paddock Club, for instance, at the Barcelona Grand Prix is only an internet click away via booking sites such as https://edgeglobalevents.com/f1-paddock-club/spain/.

Superheroes versus Supervillains

A scene in an Iron Man film sees a race around the streets of Monaco disrupted by a supervillain. Tony Stark is competing until Whiplash brings his race to a shuddering halt. During the resulting fracas, many 1970s-style F1 cars are destroyed.

And it wouldn’t be the first time that carnage has been caused by two desperate rivals on an F1 race track. The sport is littered with occasions where world championships have been won or lost by a deliberate collision.