Hans Christian Andersons fairy tales and Aesops fables include some of the most well-loved stories read and listened to by adults and children alike. Many have hidden meanings, and teach subtle strengths and good behaviours, traits like tenacity, resilience, honesty and forethought are captured in the words.  The story of the Three Little Pigs who build their own homes respectively out of straw, sticks and the final one who made his house out of bricks.  The crafty Fox who manages to blow down the first two houses so that those first two little pigs have to run away and find their brother’s home to shelter in. The sturdy brick built final home that provides a sanctuary for all three pigs to live happily ever after in.

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The teaching behind the story is, build your home on strong foundations with bricks and mortar so that it will protect you from harm.  That very clever, third little Pig had the forethought to use strong materials, to build a chimney for an open fire, install windows to allow him to see out and natural light to come in and an Aluminium Radiator for the winter.  Be smart like the third little pig and speak to the experts such as https://apolloradiators.co.uk/designer-radiators and get Vertical, horizontal and Colum radiators fitted in your home, expect the unexpected and prepare for any eventuality.  Those three little pigs in their warm and cosy brick home lived happily ever after, make sure you do too!