When you first move into a new home, things can feel a little alien and cold. The place has yet to have your mark stamped on it. Here are some handy ideas to get your new place feeling like home right away.

  1. Start with your clothes
    Most people start unpacking furniture first but be kind to yourself and start with your wardrobe. Life is going to be strange and tough enough while you all adjust so why make life even more complicated by not being able to find anything to wear?
  2. Focus on the children’s rooms
    A move can be especially tough on children, so help them to settle quicker by focusing your efforts on making their bedrooms comfy, cosy and familiar as soon as possible. As long as the kids are content to sort their space out, it won’t matter to them that the rest of the house is a shambles! For help with your Bristol Removals, contact a Bristol Removals Company today.

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  1. Make it familiar
    Surround yourself with familiar sounds and sights from the get-go. You will have certain items that mean home and the sooner you have those in position, the sooner everyone will start calling the place home.
  2. Follow your normal routine
    Sticking to familiar routines will help the family settle in that everything carries on as normal, even though your location has changed. Keep the children in familiar routines, with regards to mealtimes and naptimes etc.
  3. Do favourite things
    Get out your favourite scented candles or play some favourite tunes. Whatever it is you like to do as a family, don’t forget to continue with all those little actions that make your house a home.
  4. Treat Yourself
    Make sure you have soft, clean bedding to enjoy on all the beds and pull out comfort items such as throws, duvets and pillows. Recreate the comfort of your old bed in a new setting because the way things feel is just as important as how they look.

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  1. Sweet Smelling
    If smelling just right is important to you, then a few quick tricks will have your new place feeling like home in no time. Get to seasoning your pans right away, do some laundry with familiar washing powder, open your favourite wine and make it your first job to correctly ‘season’ your new place.
  2. Try to Cook
    Don’t be tempted to leave the kitchen and order in takeaway. If it’s not too stressful, be prepared to cook a simple meal. You can eat it sitting on the floor is needs be. This is an important ‘breaking in’ of the new home and once you’ve bonded over something as normal as a family meal, you’ll feel much more at home.