A common way to find a creative business idea is to identify what business you are creating is to identify the knowledge or experience we have on a topic and then to think about a related business where we can take advantage of that knowledge or experience.

For example, if before we worked in a business, we could choose to create a similar business, or if we worked on the sale of a product, we could choose to put a business in charge of producing or marketing the product we know all right.

Share what you know

But a variant of this way of identifying a creative business idea is to identify a business where we can share or teach the knowledge or experience we have acquired.

For example, if for years we have worked in the sales area, a creative business idea for us could be a business where we can share our knowledge or experience in sales, for example, we could publish a book, a manual or guides on sales, we could create a website where we write articles about sales, or we could create a sales consulting company.

If we have studied and had some experience in small business management, we could choose to create a business where we share or teach everything we know, for example, we could create a website where we give advice or advice to Small entrepreneurs, we could create an academy dedicated to giving classes on topics related to small business, or we could install a consultancy dedicated to small business.

If for years we have practiced a sport or discipline, we could install a small workshop at home where we give classes of said sport or discipline, create an academy where we teach, or create a website and sell it eBooks, courses or Educational videos about it.

To design a business where we share or teach what we know, we must identify what we know well, which is the subject we dominate, or what is something about which we have enough experience.

Likewise, to create a business where we share what we have learned, it is not necessary for us to be experts on the subject. We should not shy away thinking that we are not in the capacity to teach something but simply concentrate on the desire to share or teach what we know.

And even as we make our business work, we can learn more, and become more and more experts in the subject, either through the process of teaching itself or by the study or experience that we are acquiring. We can even, while we are working in our business, enroll in some course on the subject.

And, little by little, as we learn more, we can grow our business, for example, if we started with a small home-based consultancy dedicated to the creation of small businesses, as we acquire greater knowledge and experience, We can rent an office or local, we can cover other areas of a company, and we can target all types of companies, not only small.