Our bathrooms go through a lot in the course of a day, let alone a week or a month. Most of us would rather do anything other than scrub the bathroom every day so what are the quickest, easiest and most effective ways to get the job done without too much hassle?


Sinks probably see a great deal of activity, more so than the tub for example. From toothpaste blobs to constant soap scum building up, the lowly sink endures a daily barrage of dirt and grime. How can we keep it sparkling back at you with relative ease?

Use all-purpose bathroom cleaner to remove light dirt and film. For more hardened deposits, abrasive or soft-scrub cleaners may be used, as they will be easy to rinse from ceramic surfaces. Cleaners containing bleach will remove toothpaste dribbles and sanitize surfaces, too. If you’d rather keep bathroom cleaning eco-friendly then try making homemade cleaners. They’ll make your bathroom sparkle and shine without harsh chemicals and be cheaper in the long run. For Commercial Cleaning Services Cardiff, visit http://www.cardiffcleaningcompany.co.uk/

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Shower and Tub

Like the sink, a build up of soap scum, bath oil, hair products and dirt combine forces to wage war on the shining surface of the shower and tub. Areas we might not think of like tub rims and taps provide perfect hiding places for moisture, mould and mildew. The longer is goes uncleaned, the more the deposits will harden and ossify, and mildew and mould start to lurk in dark corners. Is there an easier solution?

Before cleaning the rest of the bathroom, spray the tub area with a generous layer of all-purpose bathroom cleaner, and allow the product to stand while you clean elsewhere. The standing time helps the cleanser to dissolve oils and soap scum, so you’ll need less elbow grease to remove it. Use abrasive scrubbing pads to remove bathtub rings or deposits on shower floors. Tile brushes are great for tile grout and reach into nooks and crannies better. A cleaning toothbrush does a quick job of removing deposits around tub rims or taps.


This is the one job that most of us dread. Don’t stress though and take your time. Place liquid toilet bowl cleaner into the bowl and go and put the kettle on. Let the cleaner get to work as standing time will dissolve deposits and kill those nasty germs.

One essential item is a good bowl brush. You’ll need those bristles to be firm and rigid to do a good job. Curved bowl brushes reach up and under the toilet rim to scour away hidden deposits. If the toilet develops a stubborn ring that regular cleaning won’t cure, bring on the pumice stone! This natural stone is porous and crumbles. Rub the stone directly on the ring to remove the deposit.

Again – standing time is important so make another cuppa! Use a disinfecting spray cleaner or all-purpose bathroom cleaner to spray toilet rims, seat and lid, tank and bowl exterior. Be sure to check the label for the recommended standing time; antibacterial cleaning products require a certain amount of wet exposure to kill germs. Wipe clean and dry with fresh cleaning cloths.

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